i do like a nice display of knick knacks.
being a collector of forsaken little souls
i must admit my knick knack collection is getting a little out of control.
since orla departed from the downstairs of the shed
i have allowed my knick knack collection to shine a little.
i am trying hard to use some retraint
so i don't suddenly become overwhelmed by their 'knick knackiness'
and promptly hide them all back in the cupboard.
you have been so patient since the first thrilling installment of my wall re-do
but at last i can now show you the conclusion of the other wall.
of course i'm a little hesitant to bring the whole subject up again of Orla's paper,
after all i'm quite sure some of you are still getting over the shock
indeed perhaps never will...
i'm wondering if therapists are benefiting from this very incident
but i must tell you,
i am most happy indeed with the results
and dare i say it,
actually relieved it turned out as well as it did...
i found the lovely vintage wallpaper online
with 'oh so perfectly perfect' granny knicker pink sprigs
and i now have a lovely little shelf that sits above Miss Ethel,
doing a mighty fine job at holding
all the knick knacks i treasure...
originally i painted the shelf turquoise,
yes it would be true to say,
a turquoise shelf was all i had eyes for.
my man attached the shelf to the wall,
i looked at the shelf
and the shelf looked back at me
i said to the shelf,
"my apologizes, i miss judged you,
for surely your glorious curves should be glossy white"
she is doing pork chops Jamie's way tonight, oooh she's thinking that sounds exotic ~ Tif
footy note: it would appear we are not having exotic pork chops for on close inspection of recipe, i have none of the stuff required to make the exotic topping, therefore we are having 'non-exotic' pork chops, no doubt with side dishes with an orange hue to them... letting Jamie down once again