Earth day is nearly upon us
and for some reason this year it really has been in the fore front of my mind.
i'm thinking it probably has a lot to do with being on a handcrafted secondhand year...
my mind is whirring with good intentions,
all filled with 'high hopes' of what i could do to make a change.
so far little olive is doing better than me.
she has become quite the 'digger' in the vegetable patch.
if you move her along every five minutes a whole patch can be turned over, weed free in about an hour, not bad for a doggie with very short little legs...
and i am quite sure there are many amongst us thinking the same thoughts.
(not thoughts about little doggies and their burrowing skills, but thoughts on what small change we can implement within our daily lives)
so without further a do,
i would like to introduce you to
she has a beautiful blog full of inspiring pictures
and having taken a little ganders at her photos
i have deduced that indeed she has read her camera's manual and actually knows which bits to twiddle with.
i have made a note to myself upon noting this information,
my note says
"Tif, twiddle with Carlos's bits".
as it is a mental note to myself,
for fear someone would come across the note if i penned it,
i am quite certain i will have forgotten it by tomorrow...
but it is not about me, my camera and my memory today.
now of course some of you are probably thinking,
"ummm, this is most peculiar, a rarity no less, for Tif hardly ever talks about anyone but herself"
and yes dearest readers, i think it is quite true to say that i can ramble on day after day about myself and the 'goings on' inside of Mossy Shed and my head.
but not today,
for today
i'm thinking it should be about Ishtar,
for Ishtar wrote to me a few days back
talking about Earth Day,
it is quite obvious that she has a passion for nature and the planet we live on,
just like many, many people trying to do some good for the Earth.
after a little bit of a chat
we both deduced that indeed what would be nicest of all is if perhaps we saw everyday as Earth Day.
and so Ishtar has made a little button which you can find upon her blog that you are welcome to add to your blogs
(i'm not sure it is up there just yet but will be hopefully soon...)

the purpose of her little button is to help remind us to think of the Earth
and all its glory
for more than one day a year,
so perhaps we can make small changes that in turn lead to bigger changes,
and with a bit of luck,
between us all
keep this beautiful Earth going for generations to come
and with that all being said,
if you are keen to share with me what you have in mind for celebrating Earth day,
i would love to hear...
so we may all be inspired to make a change
she is pondering about what her change will be ~ Tif