i have hung up my little embroidery
at Mossy Shed
set about my day...
little olive is intent on digging up some minuscule crumb lodged in the wood floor,
used dog is pacing, which is making me nervous,
she knows that i know,
she has a dodgy stomach today.
and i am dallying with Miss Ethel.
not dallying with intent to stock up my shop
which is what i should be doing,
but dallying with intent to use a 1970's polyester thrift store dress i came upon in my travels.
it cried 'granny chic' to me,
but having never used polyester it was a gamble
i'm thinking kitchen window panels made with polyester is perhaps borderline 'have you gone completely off your trolley Tif',
but as it is reusing and recycling on this, our official Earth Day then i'm thinking that is just about acceptable.
plus i did team it with the top of an old bark cloth curtain and a lovely length or two of vintage lace, which i'm thinking helps bring it back from the borders of complete bonkers...
if you don't actually touch the polyester,
i must say,
it is perfect!
at the weekend we have plans to kick start this year's veggie patch,
little olive has nearly finished digging over all three patches.
we have yet again high hopes for an abundance of veg
and adding to those high hopes, will be flowers,
quite often our high hopes for a bumper crop are never actually met.
however, i am thinking if i start talking to the little seeds as we plant them,
encouraging them as seedlings
and then being most enthusiastic when they mature
even playing ABBA or Elvis to them,
it will make all the difference...
she is wishing you a peachy earth day and perfectly perfect weekend ~ Tif