did i say "tomorrow" oops, what i should have said was "monday".
please forgive me dearest readers, my day off on friday extended into the evening...after spending a lovely few hours perusing the local antique mall and loading up on potholders, which i will show you tomorrow ("do you mean tomorrow, tomorrow Tif, or do you mean tomorrow, in a few days tomorrow?", good question and i do feel is quite justified, due to my fibbing ways of last week, rest assured i do mean tomorrow, tomorrow).
i then ventured back to the shed to potter around, moving a few piles to another location thus fooling my man i had been home all the time working on my spring cleaning drive. i then went out with my girls to have dinner and spend another happy hour browsing a second hand bookstore. that is one thing i love about the US, shops being open in the evening. i can't think of a better way to spend some quality time with my two eldest then looking at books. used bookstores make me feel just like thrift stores, you never know what you will find and there is always a treat to be discovered...
monday's round up goes a little like this...
1. the shop is super bulgy, the bulgiest it has ever been and i feel most happy about that, i plan to keep it bulgy from now on, but then things get in the way like the 'mouse that happened'...
2. 'mouse that happened'...you find me today 'studio' clearing as i have a mouse, now those that know me well, know we have two mice called noodle and doodle...i am most fond of these mice as they have been welcomed in a 'contained environment' with in the premises. on moving into the shed over a year back, we had many little critters living within the walls of our dwelling...samuel whiskers and anna marie were always partying up above. the little mice that came and went, (well actually often came and never went due to cats looking for lunch) never really bothered me. but that being said, a little mouse that thinks my linens are a perfect place to hold it's regular late night dinner dates is not welcome. and so this little mouse must go...
3. the chickies went out to play in the tortoise's run, which is sporting a new coat of charteuse green...our tortoise did not join them and i totally understand why
5. i survived my tai chi (did you think i would forget to tell)...it was a most interesting experience and i am quite sure the other three in the class are hoping i will soon drop out. but i have plans to keep going for the time being, so today i am off once again to tai chi and this time without my cell phone.
yes, that would be the cell phone that i carry around with me in event of an emergency.
yes, the cell phone that no one ever rings me on.
yes, the cell phone that i can hardly figure out how to use.
yes, that's right the cell phone that i forget i own and therefore forget to turn off and then what would you know, the first time ever someone actually feels the need to call me right slap bang in the middle of our tai chi master telling us some very important fact, that for the life of me i can't remember.
it wouldn't be so bad if the ringer wasn't on the 'hard of hearing' level, due to my children complaining that i never hear my phone, this is true to some degree but most of the time i don't realize it is my phone ringing cause it happens so infrequently...anyhow there was no mistaking who's phone it was on thursday.
so there we have it, not much of interest but always guaranteed a ramble of sorts...
she will see you 'tomorrow tomorrow' with great pot holder treasures to share (oooh, do you feel the excitement growing, yes we know how to have a good time) ~ Tif