i am so happy that you are a 'summer apron wrap loving' lot...i knew i could rely upon you to make me feel it's okay to wrap one's self up in a pillowcase and go out into the big world...
it feels like summer here, yesterday it was hitting the high 70's, going from quite balmy to a heat wave (don't forget i am a Brit, therefore anything over 65 degrees my ankles start to swell and i get a headache). i took a few minutes to sit down in my 'little bit of Greece' that i have created in the back yard. now some of you that have travelled to such far off exotic climes may well tell me it doesn't look at all like Greece, especially the airstream trailer and chicken coop in the background. but as i have never set foot on such beautiful shores i believe my little chair and red geraniums are very 'Greek' looking. ( i watched 'sisterhood of the traveling pants' movie a few years back) i sent this pic to my besty bud Debbie yesterday along with a pic of the chicken coop which is half way done.
i know what you're thinking now, you're thinking, blimey, what exciting, ney thrilling emails Tif sends containing pictures of her back yard. i know, can you tell i live rather a 'non eventful' life at times :)
and so my besty buddie points out the chair is very blue for me. damn she knows me well, in fact she has known me for (gulp! ssshh...i'm whispering this bit) twenty nine years this September. and she is so very correct that this chair is very blue for me, in fact as i told her in yet another riveting email, it is 'scary bright blue' for me...
but you see dear readers this is okay, for i have embraced a 'new me' this summer, i am going all out for 'bright and beautiful' in the back yard, thus making me believe i could be living on a Greek island with a rather dark handsome stranger, perhaps Johnny in this case and for a few minutes a day i can close my eyes and dream, until of course i am rudely bought back to reality with a "mum, the cat's been sick again" or "is that the crock pot i smell" or a classic i hear over and over "i don't have any clean underpants, is the laundry done?"...
on another note, it has been bought to my attention by the lovely Radio 2 which the chickie peas listen and dance their cares away to...that tomorrow is earth day.
this is not good, i thought it was earth day next week, i fear i have lost a whole week somewhere (probably due to lurgifying issues) and so now i am left in a state of worry. what am i going to do? what small deed can i perform that will make an impact on the world we live in?
i asked my man if he had any plans, to which he replied "i didn't know about it" (i'm not sure if i should tell that bit to you, but i forgive him as life living in a cubicle can be hard at times). i asked our #4, "i could walk to school" he volunteered, admirable you are thinking, but i know that by the time he got there it would be time to turn around and come home, so i feel there is more to that suggestion than worrying about his 'carbon footprint' on our earth...
and then it came to me, "thrifting" dearest readers,
"of course" you cry, isn't it so perfectly simple, we could all go out and thrift, recycling and reusing what is already on the earth instead of buying new. i am so happy about this idea (please don't burst my bubble and say thrifting doesn't count, cause i do that anyway)...and so tomorrow, i shall go and rescue some thrift store pillowcases and any other treasures i can find in the name of earth day...
she's off to paint the tortoise's outside pen, a nice bright color. thus when he is out 'sunning' himself with eyes closed, believing for a short moment of time, he is living perhaps 'life in the algarve' ~ Tif