the upside of having the lurgy is i had a lot of time to gaze into space, not the stars and moon kind of space but the few inches just in front of my face before it all gets blurry.
on one such occasion last week in between thinking about Colin and Johnny and wishing someone would make me a cup of tea, a crafting thunderbolt hit me...out of nowhere it occurred to me that my growing pile of thrift store pillowcases was beginning to bug me. found in pairs they are a treat to use, found in singles it causes me distress. from time to time, i have seen some lovely little dresses made from a pillowcase and if my girls were 'wee' again i would have them dressed in a pillowcase every day along with silver doctor marten boots (i can't believe i ever gave them away years ago, what was i thinking. not my girls, silly...the boots). but alas they are as tall, if not taller than me and so i needed to come up with an idea...
why oh why had i not seen it all along is beyond me, but until last week i had never made the connection between pillowcases and aprons. and then voila! just like that it is staring me in the face as plain as day...
summer apron wraps, designed to wear with jeans or layered over a summer skirt, perfect for the kitchen, the garden and the farmers market...i am so excited, that i wish every day could be a summer apron wrap day. of course i could be the only one in the world who wishes for such a day, but i shall pop them in my little store and see if others feel the love too.
the sixth and final resident of the shed has fallen prey to the lurgy, so she is off to fetch her florence nightingale hat out of the washer and will see you tomorrow ~ Tif