an 'ordinary extraordinaries' giveaway...

yesterday you may recall, i confessed to thee my stoolaholic ways.
if you cannot recall yesterday's confession
do not fret,
do not weep,
do not cry to the skies
"that Tif, she has made me feel so crappity crap about my recalling ways"
for that would not be at all my intentions,
no dearest readers, that is the furthest thing from my mind.
so perhaps with all that being said i'll start again

yesterday, i confessed to thee my stoolaholic ways.
as i stand upon my little stool today,

i am wondering if it is true what they say about confessing is good for the soul.
actually i don't know whether they do say that, whoever 'they' are.
but it sounds rather lovely for today, so we will go with the notion that indeed,
a confession frees the soul and makes one feel good.
or in my case, makes me look around and count the chairs amongst the stools within the shed and start to feel a little uneasy about discovering another addiction.
but my dearest lovely readers, i think you will find, it's not about me today...

oh no sirree, it's all about you and the lovely confessions i know you are keen to share

("no we are not Tif, that's crappity crap, we wish to keep our deepest addictive collecting confessions to ourselves!" i hear you exclaim)

and that is perfectly acceptable, i am totally okay with that.
after all you are entitled to keep your 'addictive collecting' confessions close to your chests and not share with every man and his dog that happens to stumble upon my ramblings.
however if you wish to be in with a chance of winning
my 'ordinary extraordinaries' vignette of vintage goodness,
then i am afraid you are going to be doing some confessing.

("oh Tif, you are simply wicked with your bribing ways" i hear you chorus
"why yes i am" i reply with cunning throaty laughter, plenty of rubbing hands together and throwing back my head for added effect)

dearest readers, it quite simple and 'oh so confessional',
if you wish to give this little 'say it like it is' wall hanging

complete with little 'forsaken soul' birdie,
several cotton thingy-me-jigs
a torn up bit of vintage wallpaper
(i know, doesn't get much grander than a torn up piece of wallpaper)
a lovely forever home,

then all you have to do is
1. locate your 'thinking cap', do not panic, nor collapse in fear of not remembering where you last put it, this little give away will be up for a few days so you have plenty of time to calmly recall your last footsteps and locate the whereabouts of the last time you did some 'thinking'.

2. when 'thinking cap' is located and nicely upon your head, start to think about what you like to collect, then think about things that you didn't realize you collected, but upon perusal of the room, it is quite obvious you have gone from a novice collector to an 'addicted collector in denial'. and before we go any further, i'm not talking about a jar of old buttons here, i'm talking about seeing a quantity of something within your dwelling that upon realization, it's rather shocking to the system, how your collecting ways have got out of control.

3. count your collection so you can really, really face the fact you have become an obsessive collector of whatever it is you are an obsessive collector of and have the quantity to prove it.

4. then confess to me (and every man and his dog) in the comments section here or in my inbox (tif if you don't have a blog.
after you have confessed, i shall pop your name in my confessional bowl and you will be in with a chance of winning my 'ordinary extraordinaries' giveaway
simple, easy and oh so revealing!

(another throaty laugh can be heard around mossy shed, followed by some gleeful dancing in clogs)

i will leave this 'confessional giveaway' open only until this friday 26th Feb, midnight pacific time, actually let's make it 10 pm as i don't do well staying up late. i will then announce the winner on saturday.
i have no idea how the winner will be picked but it will be picked and a winner there will be...

and before i head off to recline upon the couch feeling tres sorry for myself due to visiting the dentist this morning,
(who i am quite sure had been watching Little Shop of Horrors before starting her shift).
i must tell you of the tres exciting 'honor' that has been bestowed upon our little olive.
yes indeedy,
little olive is Pedlars 'dog of the week'.
seeing her upon their fabby home page has made up for all the peskiness of late and i have found it within my heart to forgive and forget her 'clog loving' ways of last week

she will return on Saturday with a confessional 'ordinary extraordinaries' winner ~ Tif