outside it is chucking it down and i fear daylight will not get a look in before night fall, however i will not let that dampen my spirits, no sirree, i will not spend my day fretting about not getting photos finished for my etsy shop, nor will i worry that if i go out in said 'chucking it down' rain my newly acquired bangs (fringe) will get a mind of their own and stop looking peachy smooth 'straight from the salon' loveliness.

for near on 18 years i have remained bangless, and i am quite sure that is not something one goes around saying in public, however if the word bangs is the word for fringe, then i see i have no alternative when living abroad and embracing a different language but to use the correct terminology. if i was in old blighty i would say "for near on 18 years i have remained fringeless" but i am not, so i must go with the wording 'bangless' and try to say it with a straight face.
my bangless state has come to an end (still with poker straight face) and yesterday after much fretting and pondering with several lovely folks (who know who they are) i went for
the chop!
my clan cannot look me in the eye without smirking, my man exclaimed upon arriving home late last night, drenched from rain and soccer
"oh my god! i can actually see your face, wow!"
followed by laughter, i have no idea if that was a wonderful exclaiming on his behalf, i did not bothered to find out for at the time i was busy adjusting to feeling like i had a helmet on my head. however i am delighted to report this morning it feels less like a helmet and more like a light weight summer cap, so me thinks this is a good sign.
in the meantime as i adjust to my new bangy way of life, i have several thrilling 'this and thats' to have happened i really did wish to share, so for today, if i may be so bold, i wish to share the moment i became a calendar girl
a few moons ago, (not many moons, just enough though to allow me to pen the word 'moons' which i like) the lovely Kathreen of the peachy online place
Whipup kindly invited me to be a calendar girl for her Whipup Calendar 2011. i have never been asked to be a calendar girl before so as you can imagine, i did have a few giddy moments of excitement about the whole idea.
Whipup is a lovely site that hosts a whole wealth of inspirational ideas from around the crafty community, i have no idea how Kathreen found me and my how-tos but she did, and often kindly pops them up on her lovely site so folks may find them.

the calendar features 12 crafty souls and is available in three printable formats all for the rather fabby price of $5, which i am told goes to supporting Whipup and keeping it doing what it does, which i think is truly spiffy, for Whipup is a wealth of crafty goodness 'how-tos' and inspiration. all the information about the calendar and nitty gritty stuff that Kathreen has covered can be found
i can be found as Miss March, which i thought was quite lovely as usually March is a month i have little connection with, but now when March 2011 rolls around i will be able to feel a bond knowing i am Miss March. Kathreen asked each crafty calendar girl a set of three questions and over the past few weeks she has been posting the little mini interviews on Whipup. if you care to peruse her archives you will find them easily and if you happen to wish to find my little three answers you can find them
here under Miss March. you will also find right at the bottom of my spiel a link to all 11 other peachy calendar girls and their crafty places.
so there we have it, it may be grotty and wet outside, dull as a cave inside but just looking at the lovely pictures and crafty goodness on the Whipup Calendar 2011 my day is already feeling brighter
she is off to the big city in the rain, with only her new bangs to help with driving directions ~ Tif