'a sweating' with Miss Ethel...

well i have ground to a halt with 'a sweating' with Miss Ethel. she has given all she can give and quite honestly i think after her beavering of the past week she deserves a little rest.
i will be popping some handcrafted goodness in my little shop window tomorrow (friday) throughout the day and then again on monday. i have made it a two parter for the clouds will not part and the rain will not stop and Mossy Shed is a bat cave.

i think the time has come the walrus said, to investigate lighting options so i may give up my madness ways of chasing any little bit of daylight that peeks through a window at any given moment, by the time i am set up, ready to go, a big angry cloud comes along again.
so what you see today is just a sprinkling of things that will be listed. a few choice pictures if you will, taken over the past week as and when a ray of light appears...

i must confess of all the wares Miss Ethel and i have been beavering on, the 'little string of dottie angel' is one that makes me smile. so much so, that of the four i made, despite breaking my rule of never, ever keeping something i made for the shop (don't ask me why i have such a rule, i just do, i am somebody that makes up rules in their head for no apparent reason and then frets about breaking them), i have decided that one little string will remain in mossy shed. it has all the elements of dottie angel,
vintage wallpaper,
a print of forsaken souls,
without words heart patch,
an old book page,
my flat stanley body,
vintage linens,
bark cloth,
a hand embroidered word,
the dottie angel dos,
a high hopes print,
vintage lace,
a handmade button card
and last but not least,
a little pair of teeny tiny turquoise clogs...
all stitched happily with abandonment by Miss Ethel and her fabby peachy pink thread. as i am tippity typing this ramble, my forbidden little stringy garland is hanging above my computer looking most spiffy indeed and reminding me i should fret less about breaking rules.

on another note, the lovely Jade of Craft Hope, did a little write up recently of her trip to Seattle and my dottie angel camp. she has done the most fabby job of continuing to craft dottie angel style and everything she has shown me since our peachy weekend together has made me so proud of her crafty ways and so i am thinking this is probably a perfectly perfect time as any, to mention that i have high hopes next year there will be another dottie angel camp, not in Seattle but in a place very close to my heart! so when i know the nitty gritty, probably in the new year, i will be sure to let you know.

she is thinking once again she sounds like a traveling salesman, but this time one with bangs ~ Tif