dearest readers of the utmost kind,
you have bought tears to my eyes,
i am thinking we all need hugs every now and then,
that indeed it is okay to feel a little sorry for one's self
but then i am thinking it is also important to continue with high hopes of things getting better...
and so today you find me with high hopes and
my overalls on.

my high hopes are for the grocery store,
my kitchen cupboards are positively echoing.
i fear i may require a zimmer frame to complete my one task of the day.
as i know no whereabouts of such a handy contraption, i am taking a volunteer with me.
i am thinking to find a volunteer amongst my delightful offspring i will also be requiring a carrot to dangle in front of them.
for yes indeedy, ten whole weeks of peachy closeness stretch out before us.
school is out and now it is just
me, Mr Vertigo, three teenagers and one pre-teen in close proximity
it would be quite true to say,
i fear for Miss Ethel seeing any action,
and most of all i fear for my sanity.

but i have a cunning plan
my cunning plan was thought up whilst dallying with Mr Hook.
a cunning plan with a name...
and that name is
the 'high hopes happy' plan.
just saying it makes me feel so much better.
try it for yourselves.
smile a smile to a random passing stranger within your nests
they will stop and
wonder what knowledge could you possibly know that makes you smile in such a way.
and if they by chance enquire, then you may enlighten them
"why i'm thinking about my high hopes happy cunning plan"
they will be intrigued, wishing to know more details
and so dearest readers, for me the 'high hopes happy' plan
is about seeing happy and hopeful things each and every day this summer.
for i hold my hand up high and say,
i am positively shaking at the thought of losing my precious alone time where i do my thinking, my crafting and my rambling...
but i also know i will have that time again.

the time i will not have again is time with my children living altogether,
close by me where i feel like i can keep them safe from the world
even if in reality i cannot.
i need to take the precious moments of good and crappity crap...
listening to them bicker,
the exasperation that comes from the trails they leave behind them,
the moments when you think you will lose it super big time if one more child fights over the telly.
when we sit around the table, another orange colored meal laid out before us
and i look around me, they are laughing, probably at my expense, but none the less laughing together.
when a cup of tea appears by my side, thoughtfully made for me without request,
when i realize i am fast becoming the shortest in the family,
indeed listening to "mum, there are no clean undies, where are they?"
yes those are the precious moments
i need to take it all in,
hold on to it whilst i still have it,
see the happy in each and every day
september will roll around fast enough.
Our #1 will have moved so far away across the pond
and the other three will be back in school here.
the shed will take on hushed tones
and i will once again have alone time with my thoughts, my crafting and my ramblings.
with a little bit of luck, we will be left looking back
at a summer of 'happy' and looking forward
to our futures with continuing 'high hopes'
she is off to 'stock up' with her chosen volunteer ~ Tif