the movement of granny chic...

a few weeks back i was happily in my own little world,
cutting, pasting and 'a sticking' wallpaper to the inners of a peachy estate find.
a lovely little cupboard that caught my eye.
alas she was a little more 'world weary' than i had hoped
but as i stood in front of her that fateful morning,
i could not let her down...

safely back in mossy shed,
i gave her several 'lickity licks' of my glossy white paint
and then proceeded to inspect her insides.
they were a rather dull painted brown color.
after attempting to paint them granny knicker pink
i gave up on that idea after the first coat.
so i set to with paper and glue...

"ha!" said my man glancing over at my work in progress,
"i can just see it now, in years to come, someone will be in the thrift store
and come across your granny cupboard,
marvel at how lovely it must have been in it's original state.
how could someone have committed such a crime with wallpaper and paint"
to which he continued to chuckle to himself

i did not wavier, nor did i put down my paper and glue.
after her inners were complete i finished her off with a lovely set of old wood handles.
then came the usual shuffle around the shed,
figuring out a spot where she may shine in all her new granny chic glory...
after the perfectly perfect spot was found,
i stood back to admire her beauty
and then i pondered,
no, this sweetie was not going to end up in the thrift store later in life,
being mocked by passing strangers.
i'm thinking another life for her...

someone, somewhere will come across her,
gasp the gasp, i have gasped many times myself.
and then with a little bit of luck,
that someone will exclaim for all to know

"why this is the most fabulous example of the granny chic movement,
a movement that occurred in the early part of the 21st century.
it was not uncommon for discarded forsaken souls to be picked up
and adorned with paint, paper and fabric.
if i am not mistaken this looks to be a 'dottie angel' example...
yes, yes it is! look just inside the cupboard there,
the signature of the woman behind this granny chic redo.
one Tif Fussell aka dottie angel,
a lover of granny chic goodness...
oh this is indeed the most peachiest of finds"

she has 'batting and basting' on her mind ~ Tif