("why is that Tif?" i hear you ask)
and that is indeed a very good question, why today of all days is it the day to talk of such things.
well firstly, because it is raining and dull outside,
secondly, because it's been a while since i dropped it into the conversation and quite honestly if i am going to fill my dottie angel dearie places i need to do some 'blabbing'
so if you are sitting comfortably, then i will get on with the nitty gritty...

i thought, oooh that's lovely, me just chit chatting for an hour, showing a little something and then going home to the safety of my shed.
the lovely Angela of ritchie ace camps then contacted me to say that wasn't exactly what she had in mind, what she was thinking was a two day workshop with three nights stay in a luxury old house in Seattle, with me teaching...
then i paced,
then i started to get a little sick feeling
then i got a little excited feeling...
surely to be given an opportunity such as this was incredible.
to be asked to have my very own dottie angel workshop retreat was a show stopper in my books.
i then remembered how 2010 was my risk taking year and surely this would count as my biggest yet.
so i emailed the lovely Angela back and said "yes! i would love to", shaking as i pressed the send button.
and then the cogs began to turn, the wheels were set in motion,

i had the opportunity to share all that i love about recycled fabrics, lace, doilies and dottie angel with a group of lovelies... i can't think of anything i would rather do more.
it will be a small group, as i told Angela i wasn't sure i had the makings of someone who could stand in front of a huge crowd (by huge i mean more than 10) and talk,
so 10 was my magic cut off number.
i figured this out by looking at my family, i talk to 5 people everyday quite easily, it's not a big amount of people, rather cozy and nice.
i doubled my 5 that live with me and thought that sounds the perfect number...
i am actually tres thrilled at the idea of a dottie angel retreat, i believe it is going to be a wonderful weekend...
did i ever see myself as a teacher of sorts? no i did not,
do i think i have the makings of a teacher of sorts? i think i do
do i know what the weekend will involve? yes i do...
we will settle into our accommodation and get to know each other around a lovely large dining table with food prepared by Angela,
which i am thinking is a huge relief for anyone taking part, including myself.
day one of the workshop, the Saturday, will see us starting work on our slips, customizing them dottie angel style

so we may look suitably lovely for our final meal at the end of the weekend.
in the afternoon we will begin work on customizing our thrift store stools,

now this could be a little tricky for those that are travelling from afar,
in the evening after a wonderful dinner, we will be sitting down to a film and some crocheting.
i will be sharing a simple 'how to' crocheted patchwork blanket, dottie angel style, if crocheting is not in your repertoire, do not fret, i will help you learn.
sunday morning is earmarked for making whatnot recycled garlands out of our scraps...

after lunch we will work on finishing up all our projects in time for a photo shoot 'dottie angel' style, so all dearies may have a reminder of their eclectic handcrafted weekend with moi and dottie angel.
in my mind i see a row of dearies, either upon their stools or standing with apron wrap and slips, garlands strewn all around and a picture taken by Carlos my trusty camera.

a record of the moment that i took a risk along with 10 other lovely dearies, and it was indeed a risk worth taking...
we will finish our day with dinner, dressed in all our fine attire and another evening of crocheting.
and if by chance you are reading this and thinking,

"oh this sounds just peachy, something i would love to do but i'm a little shy about coming on my own"
do not worry,
do not be a little shy
for i too would feel the same...
but you will be amongst friends,
already the lovely Jessie of
SweetJessie is coming from afar
and wonderful Rita, who pops into my shop from time to time, she is coming on her own from Toronto!
some brave souls indeed...

and lastly if you do have an interest, but lots of questions are popping in your head then you are welcome to email me and i will do my besty best to answer them...
at the end of the day, my hopes for this workshop is to show how i make things,
how my process of working with my materials is...
i have a very 'hands on', where will it take me approach.
i rarely read rules
i find, that in it's self quite freeing.
allowing me to just go with the flow and take all the unloved forgotten souls i come across and give them a new life...
be it fabric
little souls
each of them talk to me in their own way

i hope to pass this on, to show my enthusiasm for what i love most and inspire my dottie angel dearies to go back home to their nests and take what they have learnt and make it their own...
she is thanking you most very kindly once again for making her shop update a success and for always inviting her in for pea soup ~ Tif