Mr Lurgy and his saviour ways...

it is a few days until i reach the half way mark in my handcrafted secondhand year and yesterday was, i do believe the greatest temptation to have crossed my path since September 20th 2009

yes dearest readers, yesterday saw Liberty of London hit the shelves of Target.
i knew the day was coming for i had stumbled across the info somewhere in cyber land.
i have been preparing myself for several weeks.
i took a good look at all they were offering,
now some may think this foolish for one that cannot have,
but i saw it as a way to deal with the situation.
i took a good long deep look,
and then i came to the conclusion that in fact there wasn't anything at all i actually needed and very few things that i wanted.
except the bike,
lordy how i love the bike
who wouldn't want to garden in those peachy things
and then lets not forget the mens shirts,
colin firth would look fabby in one of those and so would my man.
i don't have a little girl but i still would like a dress...

and so it continued and then i said
"enough Tif, this is madness... this is precisely why you took up your challenge!"
and dearest readers i was quite right,
it is the very reason why.
to see if indeed one can live without the temptations of the advertising world and the feeling of 'want', especially when it comes to such lovely wares as Liberty of London.

so armed with the knowledge that this past weekend was going to be all about temptation i kept myself busy...

i cleaned up my studio space, which was in dismal disarray due to shop work

i made a pretty curtain for my bookcase from pillowcases

i wrote the supply list for my workshop retreat

i finished up some coat hangers i had been working on,
i have done crocheted hangers before but when i found a cream and orange shell patterned one i knew i wished to try one for myself

i made a whatnot garland to hang in my shop window

and all those things kept me busy,
but at any time i could have walked out the shed,
got in my car
been tempted amongst the aisles of Target.

what stopped me was just as it always seems to be...
the handcrafted thrifty gods intervened
they noted me wavering,
they saw me looking online,
they heard me talking on the phone
and they made a plan.
for they were not willing to see me fall from the righteous path i have chosen for one year,
they saw a soul that was a little lost, a soul that needed saving.

so who should come knocking at the shed door late on saturday night?
well none other than Mr Lurgy.
a visitor i haven't seen in nearly a year,
a visitor i had been so pleased to have kept at bay,
but i knew the reason
i knew i must take what comes.
for Mr Lurgy has taken me down
thus giving me no energy to take a trip to Target
and despite his wicked and cruel ways
it would appear he has saved my soul from losing its way.

today as i tippity type with a hankie by my side
i feel good
i feel proud
i feel strong
(well actually i feel quite weak from Mr Lurgy, but you know what i mean)
that i did not cave
to the lovely, oh so beautiful,
lordy let me look at you closely, perhaps even touch you,
can i smell you?

she is thinking the second half of the year is going to be child's play compared to yesterday ~ Tif