a few hours to go and we will be flying across the pond to 'old blighty'
this year it will be a little different...
my man and 'used dog' will stay behind to 'hold the fort'
our #3 will not be carrying his pen knife in his backpack, when going through security.
but the most difference of all will be our #1 not coming with me.

for she is spreading her wings and going in a different direction this summer, one that takes her to the east coast where she will study textile design for eight weeks.
on one hand, i am so excited for her and the opportunities that await her...
but on the other hand my little body is just 'gasping for breath' at the thought of her out in the 'big world' on her own without me to keep her 'safe'.
i know one has to let go at 'sometime' but i didn't think that 'sometime' would come quite so quickly. in the blink of an eye, seventeen and a half years have gone past and my little baby stands before me, ready to leave... and quite honestly dear readers it's one of thee most 'bitter sweet' moments in my mothering career so far...

but still i have plenty of distractions ahead of me, such as lovely charity stores, british chocolate and of course spending time with my family...
in the meantime i am distracted from my 'last few hours with her' by wondering where on earth my UK driving license is ("phew" i hear you chorus together) and noting that waiting till two hours before the 'off' to cut our #3's hair was not perhaps the best of 'planning'.
and before i say 'adieu' i must tell you dearest readers that i am 'chuffed to bits' to see my sales on etsy add up to 198!!! (i included my meagre excuse of
a vintage shop in this count to make it look super duper grand!)... i did have a target of 200 that i set myself a few months back, and quite honestly i thought it 'pie in the sky' wishful thinking, considering how tough times are for many a folk.
so i am blown away by the fact when people are counting pennies everywhere and being most selective in what they purchase, they have chosen to shop 'dottie angel'. a 'thank you' goes out to any of my customers that may perchance be reading this and of course a 'big thank you' goes out to you dearest readers, who have taken time from your busy lives to drop by and visit with me for a while. i am never quite sure what i give to you, but you give to me the confidence to be me. and that my dearest friends is quite honestly the greatest gift of all...
and last but not least, i will not be leaving you for long, ("oh no! can't we get rid of her just for a bit" i hear you cry)
nope, i'm going to be hanging around. for i have a plan, a cunning plan and it involves sending you postcards from a small island, an island that i am proud to call my homeland and the first one will be on your 'cyberspace' doorstep by the end of the week...
till then she is wishing you a lovely few days and herself 'sanity' wherever she goes ~ Tif