dearest readers,
every year we make a trip to a unspoilt beautiful beach on the coast of south devon just a few miles from my folks place...
four generations of my family have sat upon this beach and every time i return, it feels like i am 'coming home' inside of me.
this visit the sun was shining, quite frankly it was positively balmy and i cannot recall for many a year the need for suncream and a sundress. my usual attire is a thick cardie, towel wrapped around any exposed bits and the only way to escape the wind is to lie as flat as possible upon the pebbles.
and so i reacquainted myself with the green green grass of home...
the blue blue sky and the blue blue sea...
and then as if that wasn't enough, i found my door.
the door i didn't know i was looking for, the one that belongs to my imaginary beach house.
for forty years i have passed by this door, and never noticed it's existence.
but now i have... and i see it has been waiting most patiently for it's moment to shine within my imagination.
she is off to do some thrifting tomorrow of the 'utmost kind' with her mother in tow and will report 'all findings' on friday ~ Tif