yarny goodness...

i do like fall,
i like it a whole big lot.
i like it for one reason
and one reason only.
that reason being
yes indeedy,
fall = nesting
and nothing says
fall and nesting 
quite like a yarny blanket

i have high hopes 
for this fall's yarny blanket.
it will be made from 
 and it will be made from
granny knicker pink.
and it will quite shockingly
not be made from 
it will also be made 
slowly and surely,
for that is my motto of late.

i found a peachy pattern 
over at the very nice folks
it was for a small being, 
so i tweaked it to make it bigger.
i confess for several rows
the pattern went a little off on its own.
however i did not fret
nor particularly care.
i just kept on keeping on
and slowly but surely
i got the hang of it
and the pattern righted itself

i am down 3 mustard balls
with 5 more to go,
i am a little giddy 
as each mustard ball
slowly but surely
turns into yarny goodness...
and i am thinking
the granny knicker pink
will be the cherry on the top
