discoveries of the utmost kind...

i love a day when a discovery is made,
a discovery of minute proportions in comparison
to many in the world,
but one which changes something within your own.

i would not say my discovery is worthy of calling our local paper,
nor climbing upon our roof to shout for all to hear.
however i do marvel at its discovery
for once again i am left, 
upon discovery of my discovered thing,
marveling how something you have had all along,
can upon one moment of 'ah ha'
become of use.

" we are a little sad, our lives in the kitchen no longer required, due to worn out spots & blobs of cooking "
last week,
 upon wrestling my growing braids into place
upon my bonce.
i noted as always the front looked done,
and the back did not.
i noted this is because in fact, i had done the front
and as always, neglected the back.
after 2 nights sleep, 
the neglect was even more in evidence.

to tame the matted back and highlight the smooth front
i rustled around in my scarf collection.
but just as i had thought before my rustling began,
all scarves in my possession just would not suit.

and so as one does,
i thought of ties, and when one thinks of ties
one thinks of apron strings
and without further ado,
this very thought led to some careful snippity snipping.
after keeping waistband and ties intact
i had myself a natty bit of vintage string 
to adorn and control the growing nest upon my head.

such was my delight, upon seeing it from Ivor's point of view
several more half aprons 'volunteered up' for the chop.

 " yippee! yippee! a new life, how thrilling to spend our days wrapped around Tif's birds nest hair "
they did not fret nor fear 
their bodies would be left discarded and unloved.
for i told them of my crafty plans... 

" oh how loved we feel again, our strings in Tif's hair & our body bits as a perfectly peachy cushion "