a serendipity moment...

i do like a bit of serendipity
and of late, 
serendipity appears to find me wherever i look.
last weeks serendipity moment went a little like this

mentioning her peachy store
amd so i ventured forth with my friend Marjan.
not only did we find the most wonderful vintage emporium
but a new thrifty friend and a roll of spiffy vintage paper.
i marvel that only 3 days before finding my little roll of paper 
 i had stood in our small front hall 
and felt quite distressed at the nakedness of our front door
after 4 years of living in mossy shed.

and 3 days later, 
i stumble across the perfectly perfect solution

i have noted our 'fully clothed' front door,
has gone unnoticed by my lads of three.
i have come to the conclusion this can only be
because the shed has become 
all a 'bit of a blur of florals' everywhere they look
and thus, they are no longer able to see it
