random postcard #10...

dear reader,

today was spiffy, totally spiffily spiffy, for i got to pottle with my trolley of greatness in all the eclectic little stores which Amsterdam does so well.
Het Grote Avontuur is the most peachiest store i have ever been in, Anna is equally as peachy as her store and it was lovely to meet her. my clan came with me and then fizzled off so we could chin wag about a few things. before they fizzled off they counted how many dottie angel notebooks were on the shop shelf. upon their return to collect me they exclaimed there was one less than before.
it was quite something to see our notebooks amongst so many lovelies, Anna is also going to be stocking my book, this bit of news has me quite teary eyed.

after a lot of pottling including the lovely store Juffrouw Splinter and Kitsch Kitchen we were all pottled out. in the evening we headed out to eat in the more main touristy part of Amsterdam, giving me an opportunity to frequent the clog shop, for it would never do to come all this way and go home without a pair of souvenir clogs. i found a bright yellow pair with windmills on and then i was overcome by cloggy lusting and had to have a keychain with itty bitty red wooden clogs on for our Mossy Shed door key.

we are coming to the end of our month on the road, tomorrow we fly back to old blighty, say our goodbyes and board a plane home to Mossy Shed. i hope all my random postcards of retrospect find their way onto your doormats. the mail can be a little iffy at times...

wishing you peachy times on your travels too and i have missed you greatly
Tif x