pondering thoughts on 'wheres dottie'...

last year in september when i was spending quality crafting time with my dearies. one lovely dearie asked me quite a telling question. she asked it in the most kindest of ways, but basically she asked why was i so pants at telling folks about the places i have been featured in. there upon followed a brilliantly brilliant conversation between the two of us, over a pile of vintage doilies resulting in me agreeing i was pants indeed. my lovely dearie laughed, especially when i ended it with, "i think it is the Brit in me". she then proceeded to tell me, many folks actually are interested in that sort of thing and indeed would love to know what i am up to and other such stuff.

the thing is, i never sat down to ramble on this blog with thoughts of being noticed. everything over the past few years has evolved on its own, i just continue to tippity tap just as i did the first day four years ago, talking about this and that, finding a smile in the day and crafting. slowly but surely lovely folks such as yourselves have found me and with this has come interest from others, one being magazines who wish to feature our shed or my creations and as anyone who has been in such a boat will know, it is most flattering to be asked. however more often then not, i have declined, due to a feeling of being a little overwhelmed by all the attention.

on occasion however i say "yes thank you, that would be nice" because the magazine or person has interested me, they are doing something i admire and i am delighted to be part of it. when the lovely publication appears in my mail box, i have a ganders, feel most proud inside for a short moment and then pop it in a drawer where i am collecting such things so one day my grandchildren will know a little bit about what their granny did when she was not quite so wrinkly.

after much pondering of my conversation with my lovely dearie and realizing i need to find some way to figure this out, i have devised a cunning plan. yes indeedy, my little cogs have turned and i do like it when that happens. i have come up with 'wheres dottie', it will be a category upon my sidebar and every now and again i will do a 'wheres dottie' post. within the post will contain a little round up of where dottie angel has featured in recent weeks and indeed perhaps other things which relate to 'businessy busy' stuff. i do not know the actual nitty gritty details, for as is often the way with my plans, i think it through half way and then just go with 'high hopes'.

those folks who may be interested will go
"ah ha! how spiffy, today i can find out which magazine Tif has waffled on in"
and then discover it is a foreign magazine, not available locally and in turn be driven nutso by my 'wheres dottie' post.
or perhaps, other folks who are not interested in that side of things to do with dottie angel will be able to say
"ah ha! i see this is not for me today, i do not do businessy busy stuff. i will come back tomorrow when Tif is talking about her undies and Samuel Whiskers in her attic"
(yes, he is back and from the sounds of things, he is a father)

so with all that being said, i am rather pleased with this plan, for over the coming weeks and months there are things i wish to share and are part of the way my dottie angel world has become to a certain extent. strangely surreal some days, i cannot ignore it is changing and i need to find a way with being okay with that, being thankful and enjoy it for the wonder it is, without my little shiny place losing it's ramblerly way :)

she will be back tomorrow with her first 'wheres dottie' post, just to give you a heads up ~ Tif