things to like or not...

things i like today:

* Portland, Oregon
* especially Portland with Our #2 as my companion
* spending quality time with my lovely friend Lola in Portland
* benches in Portland

* finding a dottie angel cottage in Portland, perfectly perfect just as it is,
with lovely yellow paint trim.

* my hens eating their morning porridge to keep their little skinny chickie pea legs warm
* the moments of 'book inspiring' thoughts which seem to be coming thick and fast
* word of the week ~ PESKY
* cadbury's mini eggs are in the shops
* Used dog and her lumpy bumpy body
* my latest crocheting endeavours

things i do not like today:

* a snow day from school with no snow
* samuel whiskers making PESKY morning visits to the chicken coop
* book thoughts being interrupted by clan activity within the shed
and then said thoughts disappearing into the black hole within my little head
* broken buttons
* cadbury's mini eggs tempting me from the cupboard
* Used dog's lumpy bumps reminding me she is old
* the iffy-ness of my color choices for latest crocheting endeavours

she is declaring it a pyjama day for the shed ~ Tif