things to note...

note 1:
i am delighted to report dearest readers, because of your brilliantly brilliant recall skills the other day, i have over 46 'dottie angel' words scribbled on a piece of paper sitting in my 'terribly important' note making pile! i typed my scribbled words into 'Word' and it all became too much for poor old Mr Spell Checker which delighted me greatly.

not that i delight in Mr Spell Checker having a funny turn, far from it, i need him more than he will ever know, for spelling has never been my forte and i rely upon him and his wisdom at all times. my delight came from so many words not being recognized as real words and i wondered just how many other undiscovered words there must be floating around in our little brains waiting to be put to good use in everyday conversations. this pondering led to some thinking, and that thinking led to a thought worthy of taking action on.

"would it not be grand Tif to have 'word of the week' upon your sidebar?" my little inner voice enquired

and then it all came back to me, how i would drive the folks around me potty when i was younger, as i attempted to introduce my 'word of the week' into every sentence i spoke. i think this would be a grand way to pass the winter months and expand our daily vocab.

note 2:
bearing my new shiny year resolutions in mind i found a new friend, being of the green variety, if i manage to keep him alive, i will have 'keep a plant alive' covered on my resolution list as well. it took me a little while to track him down for cheese plants are a rare breed these days, i am a little fearful if i keep him alive he will grow to 'mammoth cheese plant' proportions but for now he fits nicely inside our biscuit jar and so far, 9 days on from bringing his little green self home to the shed, i am relieved to see he is still looking like a cheese plant, albeit quite snug in his jar.

his official 'show name' is Mr C. Plant, then if we ever get invited to participate in a plant show of some kind, other entrants to the competition will read his name and be most intimidated by the grandeur of it. around the shed, everyday kind of stuff though, i call him 'mr cheesy'. i have learnt an interesting fact, which i have no idea where from, but i read it somewhere over the past couple of weeks. and i quote

"to make a difference to the air we breath within our homes we need to have 20 houseplants or more".

i cannot ever imagine getting to the point of keeping 20 or more houseplants alive, it would be a full time job making sure they were all fed and watered. as well as talking to them all as individuals and not as a group. greeting them with a
"good morning plants, how are we today?"
would not cut it, no sirree, they would all like a bit of individual quality time and who can blame them. i would have to remember all 20 names and i am quite sure they would know if i made a mistake, although i am also quite sure they would be too polite to voice my mistake.
by the time i had spoken individual words of encouragement to each and every little green friend in the shed, it would be time for bed and then we would have to start all over again the next morning.

so my wishes of making the air that we breath within the shed 'top notch' has fallen upon the shoulders of one little cheese plant. i told him of his responsibilities yesterday (giving him a few days to settle into his biscuit jar before breaking the news he was here to work) he appeared to take it quite well and i, in return, promised to play Radio 2 for him and to do my utmost besty best to keep him alive forever and ever (which is a terribly long time but we are going to take it one day at time so the feeling of responsibility is not overwhelming). i cannot be sure but when i told him the bit about keeping him alive, it would appear Mr Cheesy let out a small sigh of relief

note #3:
this one is a little shocking, i am trying to maintain 'high hopes' it is just a blip in my cooking abilities and one that will pass quickly. i have not cooked a proper full on orange meal in over a month, when this thought dawned on me last week i felt a grip of mild panic. what will i do if i cannot cook my trademark orange meal. i calmed myself down with some chocolate i located from my hidden stash in the studio, i told myself to recall my most glorious orange meal moments and that is when panic gripped me again.

i am now besides myself with thinking how my grandchildren will never taste the lovely orange meals their granny was once known for. why oh why could i not have kept a 'tried and tested' orange meal recipe book so in my darkest moments (such as now) i could refer to them and the grip of panic would subside

note #4:
will have to wait! ha ha hee hee! for i have rambled enough today and i must take my ramblings over to 'Word' and continue what i started rambling yesterday, filed neatly within my very 'neatest as neat can be' filing system, deep in the depths of Colin the computer's brain.

you can be sure she will be back tomorrow with note #4, for indeed it is probably the only note of todays 'things to note' worth noting ~ Tif