a slight case of envy...

little doggies and little children are one and the same...
give them
an oversized cardboard box,
some well loved toys,
several cozy blankets,
many oven mitts

having spent a few moments (okay, many minutes) watching little olive in her 'play pen' complete with EXIT carved out by Our #4 last night (as per health and safety standards for little doggies with short legs),

i must confess to several thoughts.
1. do dogs feel the weight of Mr Gloom?
2. i am slightly envious of little olive and her box.
3. have i completely lost my teeny tiny mind, standing here at 11am taking photos of a little doggie in a cardboard box, with her many blankets and mangled oven mitts, whilst feeling slightly envious.

fortunately she knows she is not alone with her barking mad ways ~ Tif