and the winner is...

Janine, myself and little Finley stayed up super duper late on wednesday night,
taking our time to read all the wonderful inspiring books you live by,
here and in my inbox...
actually that doesn't sound quite right,
obviously we did not stay up super duper late reading all the books you mentioned,
for that would be quite impossible,
a night not being long enough
and the results of such an impossible task
could possibly led to madness.
so what i mean is,
we stayed up super duper late reading your comments,
on the wonderful inspiring books you live by!

thank you most kindly for taking part in our book bundle giveaway
and for also, as always, leaving such words of inspiration.
i do not think i have ever had a give away when i am not left with so many new things to discover,
and now i have a book list as long as my arm of new and wonderful reading material for me to work my way through.

i realized, i had not told you the book that inspired me so.
quite clearly for me, it was Pippi Longstocking and her adventures.
i do not recall how many of her adventures i read, although i have a well thumbed copy from my childhood,
what i do know is, Astrid Lindgren taught me to use my imagination
and for that i am most thankful

so we have a winner
and here she is
da da da da dah!!!!

my grandfather gave my sister and me,
the Readers Digest Great World Atlas back in the 1960's.
books in our house were few and far between.
this book to a small child, was HUGE.
its pages felt thick and luscious.
having not been in possession of this book for 3 decades,
i could still identify it by smell alone.
my sister took it off to college with her.
i found a substitute in a junk store a few years ago.
it still gives me the feeling the world
is a huge and incredible place

hurrah! hooray! for the lovely Kim,
her tale of childhood
and her inspiring wordly book
had Janine and myself most warmed,
congratulations my dear!

next week i have plans to tell you what Janine and myself got up to during her visit
and as if that wasn't thrilling enough,
i am also working on a little 'high hopes' tutorial which involves
not Mr Hook,
nor Dr Hook
but the ever-so-lovely
quite robust,
no nonsense,
let's just get the job done,
Mrs Hook

till then, she is wishing you the grandest of grandy weekends ~ Tif