a little crafty...

Miss Ethel developed a rather raspy rattle this morning,
whilst beavering away on some goodies
for my dottie angel dearies...

after my initial panic,
i calmed myself,
knowing this in turn may aid Miss Ethel.
for i did not need my panicking ways
to be caught by her.
i suggested she have two days of complete rest
and with 'high hopes' come saturday morning,
she will be back to her usual beavering ways.
(sometimes i think i was an ostrich in an earlier life)

piles of fabrics, lace and a lot of 'whatnots'
lay all around the shed,
ready for friday.

for friday is thee grand day!
it truly is a big thing for me.
i am giddy in a good way,
not a Mr Vertigo bad sort of way
but a slightly lightheaded,
terribly exciting giddy sort of way.
and indeed, i am a little nervous too.
however i am without doubt,
quite positively sure as sure can be,
this coming weekend,
12 dottie angel dearies and i
will be getting a little crafty...

she will be back next thursday,
until then,
she is wishing you a little crafty time too ~ Tif