snippets of...

it is raining today and tres gloomy,
the rain and gloominess matches the mood within the shed.
alas school starts tomorrow and with it
comes the horrible feeling of summer ending
and 'back to reality' has enveloped us somewhat.

but even in the most gloomiest of settings,
small miracles can occur.
i am most partial to a small miracle or two,
what i like best of all,
is when they appear when one is not looking.

yes indeedy, i was resigned to Carlos my camera going to his resting place,
i spent over three hours researching cameras and reading feedback.
after three hours i must say i was none the wiser...
i read all the blurb and all the wisdom written by knowledgeable folk.
and every time a camera came up trumps,
with all it's capability for simple camera users such as myself,
it always let me down by either being so hefty i needed to add 'pumping iron' to my latest keep fit regime,
or it was so petite i was having trouble actually finding it on the screen i was reading.

that was friday night,
on saturday morning the light in the shed was most pleasing.
the clan were missing and i was itching.
not itching in an unsociable way that random passer-bys may not wish to see
but itching to continue my 'perfectly peachy finds in retrospect' series.

showcasing all the lovely forsaken souls who have come my way over the past year,
letting them know how much i care for them.
how despite being discarded by others,
they make me happy in all their peachy second hand goodness
which in it's self is rather nice of them.

and that, dearest readers is when a small miracle happened inside the shed,
i do not believe this time a chorus of angels gathered outside the front door
nor do i recall a bright light of glory shining down upon the shed's roof.
just the sound of little olive and Used Dog's tippity tapping paws on the wood floor,
'the ping' of a tired camera coming back to life
and a lone voice, quite off key
and belonging to a woman living in suburbia singing "hallelujah hallelujah"

the rest of the day past in a blur of wonderful moments,
Carlos was on tippity top form, indeed better than his younger years
and my forsaken little souls positively beamed with all the attention they received.

i have quite the way to go with recording their pretty selves
and indeed all the fabrics i have stashed away in cupboards all over the shed.
but for now, whilst Our Carlos has decided to delay his retirement,
we shall continue our new found friendship.
i promise from this day forth to treat him with care and respect
and if ever he appears to become a little 'iffy',
just sit him down in front of my computer screen
and pull up the browser for new cameras.

she is aware of a pesky little mousey living under the stairs ~ Tif