be careful Tif...

yes indeedy dearest readers,
all day yesterday the wise words of someone from long ago were going round and round my little head...
"be careful what you wish for Tif"
now i am quite sure when that wise person made up their wise saying,
they did not actually add the 'Tif' bit at the end.
but the little voice inside my head that would not switch off,
felt it most necessary to add the 'Tif' bit.
i am quite sure you are all wishing to know why i am being subjected to such wisdom from my inner voice?
if you are not, do you mind pretending you are, because then i will feel so much better about continuing to ramble on with my thrilling tale of 'be careful Tif'

over the past few weeks, ney months, i think it would be true to say
i have been a bit of 'whinger' about the lack of sunlight over mossy shed.
i think i contained my growing unrest with Mr Spring and Mr Summer quite well upon my shiny place...
but around the shed and in my head
(oh! i do like that little line, around the shed and in my head. i think such a line has great potential)
so around the shed and in my head
i was voicing some wicked thoughts in the direction of 'lacking Mr Spring' and 'missing in action Mr Summer'.
i went to bed nightly and along with my 'repeat after me' high hopes plan
i also sent out a silent little wish for summer to begin,
to lift the cloud of dull and dreary that was now the norm around the shed.

this week, on wednesday my wish was finally granted.
Mr Summer in all his glory shone around,
blue skies up above, not a cloud in view
there was a warmth in my shed and my head
(a line with potential to be used again and again is a line worth knowing)
however by thursday,
two days into Mr Summer shining down on moi,
the little voice from within was nagging,
ney mocking,
my perspiring body,
my lanky, dripping hair,
swollen ankles
and thumping head.
"be careful what you wish for Tif"

as i sat on the sidelines dripping whilst watching Our #4 play soccer
i thought how fortunate i was not to be the one having to run around kicking a ball,
indeed i am trying to think the last time i ran around and kicked a ball.
i have gasped a gasp!
have i ever run around and kicked a ball in my 41 years.
this is most bothersome,
most concerning i cannot recall ever kicking a ball.
if it were not so hot i would rectify the matter straight away.
leaving you pronto and heading into the yard,
donned in my thrift store cotton 'dress turned nightie' and clogs to kick a ball

so i can then put my hand up high and say proudly
"yes! i Tif, have run around and kicked a ball"
but alas it is not be,
for i am already past any kind of activity involving balls and running today.

but i have digressed,
and when i look at the above penned words
i see the sun has 'touched me' in more ways than one...
indeed my little head is a bit 'doolally' today.
what i have been trying to say is,
i have learnt my lesson when it coming to 'wishing'.
for it is most important when wishing
to mention the details.
i now see the 'small print' in a wish, is worth noting.
in failing to add the 'small print' to my wish
i am not enjoying a balmy 70 to 80 degrees as i had longed for,
instead i have been landed with 100 degrees or so.
on mentioning this to Mr Summer as i lay awake last night trying to breath surrounded by his sticky closeness,
he pointed out quite wisely, that i had failed to give enough detail in my wish
and therefore i had no claims on his return policy.

there is nothing for it but to
swan around the shed in my thrifted cotton nightie this morning
until the heat becomes beyond what my little british body can tolerate
then i shall lay upon the wood floor with used dog and little olive,
a piece of paper with scrawly writing laid across my chest saying
"out of action until further notice"

she is wishing you a peachy weekend of perfect temps ~ Tif