thrifty thursdays on monday...

on friday Our #4 turned 12.
i noted he was full of beans
whilst i was full of aches...
i marveled at how being 12 was rather wonderful
one appears to have no worries
nor CCSI's to slow one down

in the evening Our #1 insisted on taking me to the thrift store
she said it would do me good to get out and about.
i think right there dearest readers, shows why i shall miss her so.

she drove me there,
found a cart to prop me up
directed me to the household department
and left me to it,
whilst she went to the clothing aisles.
never have i been so glad my thrift store has trolleys.
mine served several purposes as i hobbled around...
to replace my need for a zimmer frame
and to also hold the growing pile of treasures

upon returning home to the shed
i noted to Our #4
that indeed his birthday may be lacking a cake,
but what it lacked in cake
it made up for in thrifty finds...

a Stelton vacuum jug by Erik Magnussen
for $7
and a rather peachy retro quilt
for the couch.

i then broke out my Cadbury's Caramel bar from hiding
and shared it with the birthday boy.
to celebrate his 12 years
which seems so much longer,
and to celebrate my thifty finds
which always seem so much sweeter
when found thrifting with Our #1

she is taking things slowly with Miss Ethel and thanking you most kindly for your CCSI support ~ Tif