Jamie and the little voice...

yesterday i left mossy shed with good intentions.
plans to drop our #4 at the soccer field
and head straight to the grocery store.
i had in my hand a shopping list containing all i required to make a pie just like the one in my Jamie Oliver book.
which i must tell you is now sporting a lovely jacket of vintage wallpaper
to match the inside of the book
and mossy shed

"Tif, are you quite barmy?" i hear you exclaim

well yes, some may say i am,
making a little jacket for my book,
is a true sign of the high hopes i have placed in Jamie and his ability to get me cooking.

i sat at the stop light,
i glanced at the list by my side
and then a voice popped into my head.
the little voice mentioned how much it admired my good intentions
but also had i forgotten that indeed my usual port of call when soccer practice is playing out, would be the thrift store.
i gulped
i felt a little whoozy,
the little voice was tempting me to forsake Jamie and his pie ingredients.
i weakened,
thinking of the shelves of despair full of forsaken little souls
wishing to find their way home to the shed.

upon entering the thrift store with guilt on my shoulders,
i went to the clothing department,
after a short while i noticed polyester vintage garments were talking to me
to stop them talking to me,
i told a fib

"polyester vintage garments, do not tempt me with your granny chic charms,
for i cannot help you,
polyester is not my thing"

but they know
what i know
and you know
to be true...
yes indeed a curtain of the finest dottie angel goodness can be made from polyester...
i sensed their despair as i turned away dismayed at my fibbing ways.

i moved swiftly on to the china department
thinking it was all part of Jamie's plan to drive me from the thrift store and into the grocery store...
more lost souls started talking to me once again.
in the nicest possibly way i had to let them down
for they were total 'crappity crap'
and despite rustling around in my bag for my rose colored specs
and saying outloud
"what would dottie do"
i was at a loss for how to save them.

then it happened,
once again a thrift store happening that you all know happens from time to time.
you can't quite believe that what you see is there,
that no other, good thrifting fellow, has spotted it before you.
a bowl with all the look of a Catherine Holm,
on close inspection no marking
therefore causing me to suspect its impostering ways.
but imposter or not
it would be a thrifting crime of the utmost kind,
not to make her mine

i claimed my find,
hugging her for a little while
guilt falling from my shoulders.

upon the way home i picked up chinese takeout
whilst silently promising Jamie that as soon as i got home,
washed up my lovely little bowl
fed and watered the clan with my fast food offering,
i would go late night grocery shopping to make up for my faltering ways...

she is armed today with pie ingredients, Jamie once again by her side and high hopes ~ Tif