show and tell...

it all began last week,
when i lounged upon my floor with little olive upon my lap,
used dog by my side
Mr Lurgy as my close companion...
and if you are sitting comfortable, then i shall begin.

once again i would like to report at the time of my 'ah ha' moment i was dressed in a rather stunningly bohemian outfit, hair just so, tousled without effort and my complexion radiant and light.
but that would be further from the truth then i have ever told before.
for i was dressed in several days old pyjamas,
hair stuck to the sides of my head, with rather too much frizzing happening on top,
and my complexion was gray and sallow
due to Mr Lurgy and his horrible ways.

with my trusty friends beside me i stared into the distance,
feeling quite fed up, for i did not wish to be entertaining Mr Lurgy.
after some staring, my gaze refocused upon my lovely cushion and recovered chair 'a la granny chic' style...

my lovely cushion came from lil chrissy.
her etsy store is full of wonderful retro goodness and i have to say, if she wasn't on the other side of the pond from me, i would have been tempted by the matching bean bag...
but i settled for the lovely pink cushion and it arrived in mossy shed a little while back.
so as i sat upon the floor staring at my little cushion it dawned on me that i was staring at a heart.
which i had not seen until that moment...

and that is when a 'thunderbolt' of inspiration hit.
the sort of thunderbolt i haven't seen in a while...
the kind of thunderbolt that makes you 'carry on crafting' despite being lurgified.

after several days of beavering away,

many rests inbetween
no cooking or mothering,
i had my 'perfectly pixerly' heart

i placed all my
'perfectly pixerly' lovelies in my little shop window along with some new designs for my 'every eventuality' cards sets...

i am thinking my 'perfectly pixerly' heart makes me most happy.

when my man took a look, i told him of my 'perfectly pixerly' name.
"but Tif, you do know that pixels don't actually exist in reality don't you?"
to which i replied, even more delighted then before
"well that's just perfectly perfect then, for when did dottie angel ever care about reality"

she is feeling much grander than last week ~ Tif