and the winner is...

my camera cable has gone AWOL.
i recall the person that took it (who shall remain 'nameless'), took it with the words
"can i borrow your camera cord, just for today? i'll bring it back tonight."
i believe those words were spoken several days ago and now i have sat pondering my predicament for most of today.
i emailed the 'nameless' person, told him of my woes, and those of my readership.
a little while later (due to 'nameless' person being a busy person), i received a reply. he noted that i could actually take out the little disc thing from my camera and pop it in the computer thus transporting my pictures that way.
i "gasped" to myself and then replied back, noting that i don't do things like that. i learn to do something a certain way and then can never stray from that path. i received no other reply...

several hours later i was left with little choice but to figure out where the 'disc thing' was in my camera and then figure out the little slot on my computer. of course now i have done all my figuring, it is glaringly obvious that this is by far the most easiest way to upload pictures. i will not however inform 'nameless' person of that, for i would never hear the end of it...

and so we do have a winner, a little late, but none the less, a winner...
and yes, she was picked out of the crockpot by a passing chicken.

congratulations to Lisa,
here is what Lisa had to say about her favorite holiday

I love Thanksgiving. It reminds me of my Grandparents farm in West Brooklyn, Illinois. Sitting in the kitchen with my Grandma, eating her apple pie. Or running through the corn fields up to the duck pond with my cousins after eating my Grandma's Thanksgiving meal. Food that is forever stamped on my heart as what "home" and holidays taste like. Thank you Tif for the moment to remember and for the chance to go into the crock pot. My fingers are crossed! Kindly, Lisa

be sure to email me your address Lisa, and the 'whatnot' holiday garland will be winging it's way to you 'hoppity quick' in time for your favorite holiday season...

and before i head back to the kitchen to scrub out the crockpot and throw in all the leftovers that have accumulated in my fridge recently,
i must thank you most kindly for all the wonderful comments you have left here, and in my inbox... your reasons for celebrating holidays truly are wonderful and have warmed my heart.

she will return tomorrow with grand news (ah ha! i love a cliff hanger...) ~ Tif