my 'doily doubting' ways...

i am busy today beavering away on something i wish to share with you next week.
(ah ha, yet another tale of intrigue and mystery to leave you 'hanging on')

however, before i get back to my 'beavering' ways i do have something else to share with you.
something i like,
but interestingly, i am quite 'hesitant' to unveil today.

usually i don't think twice, after all you are such a lovely lot when it comes to supporting me and my crafting epiphanies. this time however i'm 'hesitant' for it involves doilies
("oh blimey, Tif... what's the big fuss about? doilies are as old as the hills and you've had them in your work since time began")

you are quite right, dearest readers... but there is a difference.
this time i fear a hush will descend and then the term 'doily abuser' will start to ripple through the audience, whispered at first, then louder until a crescendo is reached and the chanting of "doily abuser" will be heard across all cyberland.

it started last week when the lovely dani emailed me with a question.
that little question prompted 'something' tucked far away in a drawer marked "for future crafting" to open, within my brain. it was like a "oh yes!" moment and so i got to work, and after the weekend i had the results of my efforts laid out before my clan.

they picked up my 'doily whatnot dishes', turned them around, inspected them closely... i might even add, marvelled somewhat as to how they were made...
then the question came
"are you going to put them in your etsy shop?" my man enquired
"i think so" i replied, still pondering, as to whether or not i had abused a doily

she is going to list them tomorrow (gulp) along with other goodies and perhaps locate some ear plugs just in case ~ Tif