a festival of 'granny love' ~ day four

on day four of our 'granny loving' festival i bring before you 'a doubter' on center stage...
and this doubter goes by the name of 'my man'.
(a ripple of hushed murmers and nodding heads runs through the crowd).

i share my story, if by chance i may give some of you 'hope'.
the some of you that perhaps are living with a "NO" person...
a person that constantly doubts your granny loving ways, as you strive your best with a hook and yarn, or perhaps return to your home with a thrifted number or two tucked under your arm... only to listen to a barrage of 'doubting' for the rest of the day. for those that live with 'doubters' that lost their rose colored spectacles long ago, this one's for you.
giving you the strength to never give up the chance, one day your nearest and dearest will discover their specs in some dark forgotten drawer, seeing the light for the first time and be converted to the ways of the 'granny chic' movement...

and so if you are sitting comfortably on your afghans, with your favorite tipple beside you and yarn in hand, then i shall begin

last week i announced to my man at ten o'clock friday evening that i needed him desperately, he looked rather interested until i finished up quickly with
"because i found this cupboard wardrobe thing on craigslist yesterday, i went to see it today and paid a deposit, but i have no way of getting it home by myself..."
as he looked quite crestfallen, i quickly added in, a little sobby bit about me and Mr Vertigo and how trying it had been for moi.

getting over his disappointment of my late night demand (or lack of), he soon started to question my need for a cupboard wardrobe thing and where on earth was i going to put it. and more to the point what was i doing searching for furniture on craigslist when we have a mossy shed full of it...
"aaah well, you see i was feeling rather low about my spinning world and so cheered myself up by perusing the vintage furniture section" i replied, "and then i saw it... just the most loveliest of lovely mid century granny wardrobe that i would have been a fool not to give a home to.
besides i liked her inners".
with a sigh, he agreed to be my 'lifter' the next morning.

we arrived on time to collect my little treasure. as we pulled up to the open garage where she was waiting to come home with me, he scoffed
"mid century my foot" and then turned to tell me it wasn't too late to leave it where it was.
"fat chance" i said.
i paid the money that i had begged and borrowed from our #4, we loaded my 'find' into the back of the van and headed off...

"well, we just made that guy's day... not only did we take a piece of crappy furniture off his hands, we even paid him $75 to do it!" and then my man roared with laughter, thinking himself most funny.
a few hundred yards down the road he again quizzed me on my exact use for my "piece of junk", of course i had no exact thoughts other than a vague use for storing all my old linens etc, but then it popped into my head...
"well, once i have painted it and done it all up, so it looks just peachy perfect, i shall be using it in my studio until i am a granny. then i shall place it in the bedroom that my grandchildren will use when they come to stay. it will add a certain granny vintage charm to their lives".
to which he replied
"that's perfect! of course... it will be the wardrobe in the corner of the room that gives all your grandchildren nightmares whenever they come to stay" to which, once again he chuckled.

i think now, dear 'granny loving' festival goers, you are truly able to see before us 'a doubter of the utmost kind'. who has lost his way, along with his rose colored specs, wandering without direction in the world of decorating and all that is tasteful.

several days later, after some serious sanding and four coats of paint whilst ignoring Mr Vertigo and his dizzying temptations, i asked my man if he could move my new treasure into her final resting space. and that is when it happened, a miracle that keeps us 'hoping and a praying' for others who are blinded to the charms of 'granny chic'...
he was lost but now he's found,
he was in the dark, but now he sees the light,
for as we shifted my lovely 'craigslist' find into place, next to my other lovely craigslist find (my desk), he remarked

"mmmm, bet if that guy saw it now, he would never part with his cupboard... what a great find!"
and went on his way chuckling to himself...

and so today we shall rejoice in the knowledge that it is possible to falter from the path of righteousness and all that is granny chic, and still find your way back.
and with a bit of luck this little tale of mine will give you,
hope if you need it,
a reason to believe in your 'granny loving' ways
and comfort when you've heard another "NO"
as you try to sneak in a little crocheted cushion onto the couch...

with that she is off to her little tent to stay up to the wee hours, with head lamp on, practising the fine art of 'chevron' crocheting ~ Tif