part 'thrilling' two...

it is such a better day today...several reasons for that.
1. i put my bi-focals away in a drawer and hopefully my short term memory loss will kick in and i will soon forget where i put them and actually, that i even had them in the first place...
i have located an old pair of specs that i use for painting, they are covered in speckles of white and quite frankly i do not care.
my eyes are relieved,
my brain is relieved,
innocent pedestrians are relieved
and my summer wedges are relieved.
2. the sun is shining and it is warming up a treat outside. the chickie peas and i have been out already this morning practising our tai chi.
i fear they are much better at it then myself, although they did get distracted some what by a big slug that happened upon our little gathering. i don't own any tai chi music so i fished out one of my buddha cd's. it's going all rather swimmingly and i actually have retained a few 'moves' in my head now. i am especially good at 'cloud' hands...when i am tai chi-ing, in my little head i could so easily be in 'crouching tiger,hidden dragon'...
i have told my man, he needs to watch out. he may think i am retreating but no, i am taking all his tae kwondo energy and just when he thinks i have weakened and the battle is won, i will retaliate with my 'cloud' hands...
me and my chickies were doing a grand old job but then somebody on my buddha music started doing a 'wailing' thing that was most distracting and i lost my tai chi 'grove' and had to give up.
3. i am finding time today to finish up some apron wraps...the lovely kimberley over at seattle style gave out some 'summer apron wrap' loving last week and it really made my day, perhaps even my week.
but enough of this dilly dallying talk...

and so to 'potholdering' latest weakness. i blame the lovely emma lamb, she of the beautiful crocheted granny cushions, of which i am a proud owner. she is also rather nifty with the camera and putting together treasuries on etsy.
she started a lovely flickr group called 'all colours in' and asked me to join...which was most kind as she knows i am totally 'pants' at joining in with most things. but for emma i tried really hard to remember i was part of her lovely group.
i took a wee look a while ago at all the lovely pics that people around the globe were adding to the group.
and there is was, the photo that made me 'gasp', clutch my hands to my chest and exclaim "i need to add to my piddly potholder collection of three, so that i too may have a wall as beautiful as this" (i talk quite a lot out loud these days, it helps if you have furry and feathered friends around because then you feel it's okay)
my little collection is growing but isn't enough to start placing on the for now i have made myself a 'potholder' tree...

i am most happy with my tree and am thinking it might stop there, just as it is...for i can move my tree from room to room as the mood takes me. for now it is on the mantlepiece bringing a touch of 'potholdering' love to our lounge...

so there we have it...i am not actually quite sure my 'thrilling' potholdering part two was up to much and i know my aunt will be most disappointed as she had high hopes i was making swimwear out of them...the thought of having to model my apron wraps was traumatic enough, the thought of modeling 'potholder' bikinis is just too much for me and quite honestly way too much for the world...

with that thought she will leave you to have a lovely weekend ~ Tif