
see that new little button on my sidebar? I have been accepted to open a shop with them! Exciting!, they will launch in November, lots of delicious goodies to look at. Make sure that you check the lollishops blog this weekend. Busy with school kinder, meetings and messages today, we have had a very lucky op shop week! I have only recently discovered how fun op shopping can be, 2 chenille bedspreads, one new little sleeping bag for Toby and 2 pairs of designer very cute jeans for Annah. (The gorgeous girl in the last post) all for under $10.00! I have probably told you that the chenille is very hard to come by now and the price difference is just huge, from $0 to $100+++! I hope to scrap a page or 2 tonight, so I can show you a picture in my next post. Leah