a Granny Chic book...

at the end of last week a parcel plonked itself upon my doormat, a parcel i had been anticipating for a couple of days.

inside was the result of 3 months creative madness on behalf of myself and my book writing buddy Rachelle.
as i dared to remove the parcel's content, slowly but surely turn the cover and look through squinted eyes i felt my inner mr doubter fade away and in its place, taking up residence was mr pride.

to think we started writing this book mid April and now at the end of September both Rachelle and i hold 'our creation' in our crafty mitts. i still can't get over the extraordinary morphing of our two crafty souls and have no doubt this was key to the book coming out the way it did. we set out intent on bridging the gap between craft book and interior book and i believe we have done so, in our own quirky way. we call it a recipe book for in our minds, our grannies would have recipe books filled with scribbles, tear-outs, suggestions and plenty of visual inspiration. our hope was to produce such a recipe book for granny chic living and by jove i believe we have.

our Granny Chic book will become available on oct 25th, it is possible to buy it online and also i have been told it will be stocked in stores around the globe. as and when i know nitty gritty i will do my besty best to pass it along.

in the meantime, it is rather grand to know what we saw in our heads the day we started to plot and plan our crafty book is now in our hands, thanks to a team of hardworking 'rose coloured spec' wearers at Kyle Books and of course the 'can we keep her forever' Cath and the 'beavered away on our behalf so brilliantly' Helen. 

i have shouted my three cheers in the back yard, facing east in the hope it travels across the pond to the correct ears so these peachy folks will know just how happy i am with the book
