a friend...

yesterday at the thrift store,
 i found a friend...
for it was quite vulnerable in its current state.
vulnerable from falling on the floor
and gathering up Used Dog's hairs.
vulnerable from a passing pesky doggie
noting its crocheted loveliness
and making it into a nest.
this vulnerability was causing me to fret...

but all fretting has been cast aside,
thanks to the discovery of a fine friend.
the friend is very plastic,
he is also quite blue
and it would be quite true to say 
he is rather fantastic
at several things
fantastic thing one:
 keeping items off the ground
with his handy dandy little feet.
fantastic thing two:
perfectly sized for several yarn balls
and a growing bit of yarny goodness
fantastic thing three:
(quite possibly the most fantastic of all)
two handy dandy handles
for picking up on a whim
and taking along on journeys
should they occur on any given day
at any given moment
