Just a couple of snapshots today. The garden is looking so flattened and soggy that it's best just to turn the other way, and my indoor flower displays mainly consist of big bunches of wintersweet (which I've shown you several times already) and the tantalising spring bulbs in my previous post.
Flowering outside we do have Bellarina primroses, in lacy pink and indigo blue, and the delicate appleblossom flowers of Fairy Blush camellia. The wintersweet is in its final flush and I'll be sad to say goodbye to that lovely for another year. The paper daisy is in full bud however and some of the little flowers are even starting to open up, which bodes well for the next few months! Promises for late winter include buds on the daphne and hellebores, and hopefully the earlicheers and crocuses won't be too far away. Today is the halfway point after all... spring is only six weeks away!