an eclectic handcrafted dottie angel camp...

oh yes indeedy, i awoke this morn with a giddy feeling, for today is 'dottie angel camp' details day! Angela and myself have been working on the nitty gritty. i am beyond giddy actually, i am trying to think of a word that goes beyond the feeling of giddy but i can't so therefore i will say 
"i am giddier than i have ever been before"
because i just have to recall in my little cogs the peachy weekend i spent with dottie angel dearies in september 2010 and the thought of being able to share another weekend with another fabby group of dearies has me beyond giddy.

so if you feel a little crafty, and even more so, you would like to feel a little crafty with moi and other crafty souls then please do visit here where all the nitty gritty details can be found. Angela will be happy to answer any questions because she is good at that sort of thing. she has a little cap which she wears saying 'important question answerer' and so obviously without doubt she is very qualified

we will also be taking a jolly to the thrift store downtown where upon we will pottle to our thrift store hearts content. in my head it reminds me of my clan when they were itty bitty and would go on school excursions, perhaps a walk to the village to collect nature goodies. all holding onto a long rope less one should wander away... i see dearies all holding onto one long garland less i lose one such is the gigantic-ness of our thrift store but then again most folks have cell phones nowadays so perhaps i need not fret.

well there we have it, i am tres giddy and i hope you are giddy enough upon reading all the blurb (rain coat bit included) to pack your little suitcase full of vintage fabrics and head to the bright & crafty lights of Seattle for 
with me

she is wishing you a particularly splendid one whereever and whatever you are doing this weekend ~ Tif