Timaru Garden Tour #5

This is the garden of Hamish and Anne Steele.
So many peonies in promising bud! There are also lots of delphiniums and lilies, hence the wire cages. These wouldn't be too hard to make and once the plants fill out you'd hardly notice them.

At the back of the border there must be a microclimate where everything has sprung into wonderful bloom.

A shady pergola leads from one part of the garden to another.

A bold primary planting scheme catches my eye.

The delphiniums make a gorgeous window screen.

What a lovely view to look out on from your living room. I like the box hedge too... trimming it is probably a pain, but at least it hides the weeds from view (not that there were any here!)

A special attraction at this property was plants for sale. They were from a nursery, not the property owners, and I beelined in on a saxifrage just like the one I showed you in the previous garden tour. I also got a dainty little dianthus -  I didn't photograph it at the time, but I remembered seeing that in one of the previous gardens too. Do you think that planting those will make my garden look tour-worthy? I doubt it, but it made me feel better to purchase them anyway.