on the 5th day of joyfulness...

dottie angel shared with me
a merry little mobile of glee
(skill level : easy peasy)

yes indeedy, we are back to dingly dangly again today! this is easy peasy and i think most suited to dingly dangling any little happy things, does not have to be just for the joyful season, no indeedy, afterwards you may swap out your gleeful dingly danglies and add some other pretties. a merry mobile for all seasons and one most suited for 'small beings' to make, how spiffy!

* two sticks, twigs, or bamboo canes of equal length
* twine, string or yarn
* strips of fabrics to your liking
* crochet cotton and hook
(or just yarn or string to make the hanging part)
* thread and needle
* mod podge (not necessary)
* a button or two (if you so wish)
* dingly danglies from your box of glee

1: take your two sticks and holding them in a cross shape, wrap with your yarn or string several times to secure. once again, channeling your inner boy scout might come in handy here. once secure and not wibbly wobbly, tie off your string and cut.

2: wrap the crossed twigs with your strips of fabric, you could use different colours, use a bit of mod podge to keep in place or use a needle and thread just to secure ends.

3: next you can either use lengths of yarn or string, or you may wish to crochet a chain for the hangy part. you will require two equal length strings a bit longer than the length of your sticks, be sure to leave extra either end for tying. when you have tied your strings to the ends of your sticks, (crossing them over in the middle), you will need another length to tie at the crossover part, keeping it altogether nicely, which will become the bit you hang your merry mobile from. you may wish to stitch a button or two on, if so, then do so

4: hang your merry looking 'sticks and string' up at a convenient level for 'blinging'. rustle around in your gleeful box and start attaching little strings to your sweeties and tie onto your mobile sticks. once again we must think about balance here so it all stays nice and level. i have made mine very symmetrical to challenge  myself, for usually i am quite higgedly piggedly with my placement of things, however you are welcome to be higgedly piggedly and i do think you could even be quite 'clustery' as well.

5: find a suitable place for your merry little mobile of glee, i went for above the table for when the light next to it is switched on, the glee of my little merry mobile becomes most sparkly and this year, i am really liking a touch of sparkle mixed in with the joyfulness

you will need paint at the ready for joyful day number 6 tomorrow ~ Tif