and the winner is...

well i must say, over 400 little imagination caps have been put to grand use over the past few days. thank you for taking the time to use them wisely and brighten up my evenings. along with the comments left here and my bulgy inbox, Linus (Our #2's cat) and i have spent many a happy half hour reading them all. i noted as he sat upon my lap and listened to each and every 'critter imagined', he had very good listening skills. far greater than my 'lads of three' and i see now why Our #2 has always felt he was a 'cat above the rest'...

and so it is, Linus and myself, pondered and purred about a winner. i must note, i did the majority of the  pondering and he did a splendid job at the purring side of things. and so this morning, after my final amount of pondering and Linus was done with all his purring we have a winner...
and the winner is

Melinda with her little prickly critter called Basil
"I would love to have a little hedgehog and call him Basil. Hedgehogs are so English and so is the name Basil. I had an uncle Basil and remember him being super prickly and gruff. He was also obsessed with growing root veg so it all seems fitting. I would make Basil a little wooden house which I would hide under the leaves at the bottom of the garden and inside there would be a camo quilt pillow. But most of all when we have a frigid Pennsylvania winter I picture him curled in a ball in my knitting scraps by the fire.

now everyone will tell me all the reasons I can't have a hedgehog for my little friend. But I say ...

ode to Basil:
Hedgehog hedgehog hidden tight,
Make your ball when there's a fright,
But under the moon
And a mackerel sky,
Scurry and dance in the freedom of night.

Such a silly thing for a woman of 56, but he's my special critter craving"

congratulations Melinda, thank you for sharing your ode to Basil with me and thank you to all for imagining their little critter so brilliantly and also for the spiffy comments upon my book.

she will be back tomorrow with a few pics of our Glady's inners after many days of hard graft with 'her and her lads of three' ~ Tif