random postcard #6...

dear reader,

today we went to Lyme Regis, it was sunny and so we braved the beach with our sandwiches. after 10 minutes of fending off the pesky seagulls we decided despite the lovely picnicking weather we would give up.

we pottled along the seafront, past the lovely cotton candy coloured beach huts and ended up at the penny arcade. i noted next to the penny arcade was an antique mall. i suggested my clan may like to loiter in the arcade with some pennies whilst i did a bit of antique mall loitering. every one was in agreement.
Our #4 had never been in a penny arcade before and after spending many moments and the contents of my purse he came to the conclusion that he would like to be an arcade owner when he was older. for the rest of the day we had to discuss how much each arcade machine would cost to buy and how much money you would need from arcade loiterers before you paid off your arcade machine loans. it did occur to me that in fact they are probably rented machines... however after much discussion he decided it might not be as profitable as he thought it would be.

whilst we had our discussion, we wandered past a door, a door so lovely it caused me to gasp and wish with all my wishing might, it was my door belonging to my house in Lyme Regis... one day perhaps

we are packing up and heading east soon
Tif x