home sweet shed...

oh yes indeedy, 'tis grand to be back in Our Shed. after a month or so on the road, nothing is quite as lovely as coming home to a shed full of critters and my favorite knick knacks. it will be a very thrilling month of August. i am trying to think if there has ever been a month of August to match up to this thrillingness. nope, i do not think so. therefore i will call this 'my most thrilling month of August to date'... ah yes, thrilling stuff indeed.

and why is August such a thrilling month you may wonder? (you also may not, and quite honestly that is perfectly okay with me) well the majority of the thrillingness is down to knowing Janine has made August 'pre launch book month' for my book, which as i tippity type this very ramble, is at the printers! i am positively giddy by this news and even more so that Janine will be posting over on her spiffy blog all week long about 'this and that' to do with the book. it is quite a thing to see how Janine took my pennings, my ramblings, my images and my thoughts and through her brilliant design skills the book i had inside of my head for so long has come to life. not to mention all the hours which have been put in by lovely mighty fine 'helper bees', cutting threads, vintage fabrics and doilies to accompany the book and inspire the reader to allow their creative soul to shine.

tomorrow i will be back with my 'postcards in retrospect', yes i am one of those pants kind of folks who go away, write their postcards whilst away and then come home and post them. anyhow the upside of my 'pants way' means i get to title it 'postcards in retrospect' which i really really like, and so this has made me happy.

so a little recap i think is in order, if not for you, certainly for me, for my little blogging cogs are tres dusty and i am slowly finding my feet again.
things to be happy about today,
happiness number one is here
happiness number two is here
happiness number three is 'postcards in retrospect'
happiness number four is a little furry friend

lordy how i missed my little critters and of course you dear readers, i hope life has been a little spiffy, a little dandy and indeed a little crafty for you, whilst i was on the road

she is licking her first stamp and will be posting 'postcard number one' tomorrow ~ Tif