where's dottie...

oakie dokes...

magazine round up

1: the peachy folks over at Frankie Mag in Australia bought out a lovely mook in November called SPACES. a mook is what happens when a magazine and a book get together. SPACES is jammy packed full of inspirational creative homes and work spaces from around the world. some of the folks you will have probably heard of and others will be new to you. i still can't believe Mossy Shed is in their fine pages amongst such lovely folks and their collections.

2: FLOW magazine is dutch, i cannot read a word of it but does not matter, for their visuals are so delightful i am happy to just look at all the pretty pictures. they have mentioned dottie angel before, but for this issue asked to use my pictures to illustrate an article of D.I.Y crafting. i need to get my friend Marjan to read it to me over a cup of tea i am thinking

3: a nice little mention in Inside Out, an australian magazine ( March/April issue) for my ramblings of dottie angel shiny place

4: Selvedge's latest issue has a page listing the lovely wares they like on Etsy. was greatly delighted to see our perfect peachy tea towels featured amongst the lovelies they picked out (have yet to see the latest copy in the flesh, but Debbie tells me it is grand)

other nitty gritty businessy busy stuff

1: lovely store Het Grote Avontuur in Amsterdam is stocking our handy dandy notebooks, just one look at Anna's peachy website has me a little giddy. the notebooks have done so well she has restocked on them! Anna's bricks and mortar store looks just peachy and i am rather made up to think my book will be amongst such lovelies upon the shelves come summer

2: Verandah in England has two lovely locations and is a collective of designers and craftmakers, their website is well worth a ganders and we are most chuffed our notebooks are now available to buy from both the Norwich and Holt store

3: Mies en Moos is a lovely dutch online store featuring all sorts of goodness and in amongst it all are some handy dandy notebooks. Michelle who runs her little online store is most delightful indeed.

4: my fabby friend Gloria from The Laundry will be running a stall at the SELVEDGE spring fair on April 2nd in just a few weeks. the fair features 30 wonderful folks and their wares. Gloria alongside of her peachy wares will have dottie angel notebooks and tea towels for sale. this is indeed most spiffy for more reasons than one, but the other reasons will have to wait until monday...

so there it is, hurrah hooray, a lovely thank you to all the peachy folks above and indeed to the others who featured dottie angel upon their blogs. it is most kind

she will be pausing for thought tomorrow, and will be back on monday ~ Tif