on a roll...

yes indeedy, whilst we are on a roll,

"what sort of roll is that Tif, a bread roll, or perhaps a tootsie roll?" i hear you cry

oh dearest dearies, you are quite the cards are you not! no i am talking a wallpapering roll. (ha ha hee hee, brilliant pun 'tis it not!)
the lovely Mrs Monkey and her newly adopted baby with their mighty fine wallpapered ears.

so i thought to myself as i sit here tippity tapping, why not finish up the week with more wallpapering moments within the shed. then we can all be done with it and move on to yet more thrilling things next week. if perhaps you think it can't get more thrilling then me talking wallpaper talk three posts in a row, then if i were to mention i have a little thing called 'wheres dottie' lined up for next week, then perhaps the monitor which records levels of thrillingness somewhere might just have peaked a little above the wallpaper thrilling mark. who knows, only the person who owns such a monitor would know, but i like to think it will peak quite nicely.

a few weeks back, i do believe this was when i was on a blogging break, headscarf donned and pennings going well, i had a moment, another antsy creative moment. this time my victim was our entrance way wall.
'tis a little bit of wall and indeed the very reason why i fell in love with mossy shed. i have said it before but for those that perhaps are new, or indeed slept through when i said it before (and who could blame you) i will recap.

you open our front door and right in front of you is my wallpapered wall. it is not very far in front of your nose, and if i take a 'face on' photo i have to stand on my doorstep to take it.
to the right is the stairs and the step down into our lounge, to the left is my studio and the narrow hallway to the kitchen. no doors, just open doorways.

last year i found some retro goodness from the peachy folks at 'h is for home' and promptly papered our little wall. (please see above) i was delighted with the results and do not understand why i had to go and let my antsy mood take such a risk. yes i 'risked it for a biscuit' and afterwards, as if that wasn't enough 'biscuit risking' behaviour, i then hammered lots of nails in the wall and covered my newly risky bisky wallpaper with vintage plates.

now i am not the first to paper their wall in different strips for sure, however when i have seen it before, it has always been with lighter brighter more retro florals and because of that reason my doubting ways took a hold

after which, i stood back and thought "blimey Tif, this is a bit exotic even for you". i then began to fret, worried i had lost my tiny tasteful mind, visions of dolls and their knitted toilet roll covering skirts came to mind. i felt a little faint... just as i was beginning to feel super duper dizzy the handcrafted secondhand gods intervened. they handed me a pair of rose colored specs and told the little voice within my head called Mr Doubter,
"actually if you look upon this wall of many 'goings on', it is no different to the way Tif patches her cushions together"

suddenly Mr Doubter high tailed it out of the shed door and ever since everytime i walk through mossy shed's front door, rose colored specs firmly upon my nose i am most delighted with the results of my antsy wallpapering moment

she is thanking you most kindly for cheering her week with your sunny comments and is wishing you a peachy weekend ~ Tif