Mr Shrew, a note or two and thrifty thoughts...

note one: debbie on her side of the pond and moi on mine, have spent the last day and a half marveling at how lovely you have all been towards our latest 'dottie angel ltd' adventure. as of this moment of tippity tapping i have 'checked and double checked' addresses and she has 'wrapped and double wrapped' notebooks for over 50 sets. words can not describe our delight in hearing the bell on my little shop door ring so many times. truth be told, we are a little gobsmacked.

we are thanking you most kindly for your response, if you are reading this and stopped by for a set of 'most happy' dottie angel notebooks, it was lovely to see you and we hope you will be most delighted with your purchase.

note two: thus far, i have been wearing my book writing headscarf for two days, it is a lovely coral granny pink number i found at the thrift store. 'tis a little summery for sure, but Mr Sunshine has popped his head out from behind the clouds so it felt quite fitting. yesterday when i was immersed in the world of dottie angel writing, Little Olive took full advantage, taking a nap on the couch. Little Olive on the couch is a 'no-no' and i must say she is very good about this, after all she has a suitcase full of crocheted goodness and did have a playpen until her cardboard eating ways got the better of her.
when i found her napping self (taking advantage of my distracted ways) she immediately stood up, claiming she needed only to use the couch as a 'step up' so she may admire the artwork which was tricky for a little doggie with short legs to see from the ground.

note three: in the name of research i have been looking through my archives upon this here rambly place.

upon reading several posts about thrifting, thrift stores and thrifty finds, i have whipped myself up into a thrifty feeling frenzy and now all i can think about is going to a thrift store and getting a thrifty fix for my addictive ways. good grief this is not the kind of thing a book writer needs to distract herself with, i tried to find posts that do not mention the thrill of the thrifty find, but alas it would appear they are quite thin on the ground. i have taken a few moments off from my research, splashed some cold water upon my perspiring forehead, whilst thinking it will take more than a cup of tea and a chunk of chocolate to steady these shakes. i am not sure i am strong enough to fight the 'urge to thrift', i fear i am weak and will by tonight surrender to my addiction.

note four: as noted in 'note two' (if you skipped a little, then you may have to go back, but do not worry, we will wait for you to catch up) Mr Sunshine has appeared. as is always the way, little teeny tiny critters are lulled into thinking it is time to wake up and forage for some edible treats.
poor poor little Mr Shrew, i can only say it was not how i wished your day to go, nor mine. for finding you on the stairs, left by a feline friend of mine, scared not half to death but completely, on the first sunny day of the year was quite a trauma for me, but i imagine it was even more so for you. whereever you are little Mr Shrew in that great Las Vegas in the sky, may you have eternal sunshine...

she has her florence nightingale cap balanced on top her book writing headscarf due to needs of a clan member and is noting it is causing her forehead to perspire even more ~ Tif