dottie angel workshop summer retreats...

as promised yesterday, i have note #4 in my hands, ready to share and it is a mighty fine note, even if i do say so myself. one that brings a little tear to my eye, silly i know but i can't help myself, some things just make me tear up and this is one of them.
so without further a do...

note #4:

i am delighted beyond all delights, indeed giddier then any giddiness i have felt before, to announce
back to back
this coming
July 2011
and the thing that brings the little tear to my eyes? well dearest readers, these two peachy workshops will be held in England! yes indeedy, i have been given the wonderful opportunity of returning home to where my heart is, so i may teach my craft to like minded souls courtesy of the brilliantly brilliant Angela of Ace Camps.

the retreats will be take place on the Suffolk Coast, in a cottage overlooking the sea, (sound familiar?), each retreat will consist of three nights stay, two full days of dottie angel workshops, (and i do mean full, we craft from morning to late into the evening if the dearies so wish). there will be walks on the beach, tea taken around the fire pit and more vintage fabrics in one room then you could ever dream of. to keep our crafty energies at maximum levels, Angela will provide wonderful home cooked meals along with snacks and beverages...

day one: we will be crafting
summer apron wraps

upon donning our wraps and looking mighty fine, myself and my dearies will continue upon our path of recycled handcrafting and begin making
little birdie 'hangy-me-jigs'

the evenings will be spent 'a yakking and a yarning' with crochet or knitting in hand, no dearie need fret if crocheting is not her forte, for i or other dearies with 'thee knowledge' will gladly spend our time wisely helping others along the goodly and righteous path of yarny goodness

day two: will find us finishing up our little birdie 'hangy-me-jigs' and moving on to
little sunshine messenger sacks

perfectly suited to carrying a small critter, some yarn or a chocolate bar, if time allows we will take our left over scraps from our two days of beavering and create ourselves some 'happy scrappy' garlands.

both retreats are limited to 8 dearies, which i think will make for a wonderful crafting environment and maximum quality time spent together.

for all the nitty gritty on the trip details including dates, you can looky here
for all the nitty gritty on the itinerary, you can looky here
for all the nitty gritty on what Ace Camps are, you can looky here
for some wonderful 'kind words' from past Ace Camp participants, you can looky here

if after all that 'looky looking' you feel this may indeed be the retreat for you and your lovely stash of vintage, second hand linens to have a moment to shine, but you have a question or two that requires an answer, please do contact Angela, for she is in charge of this grand adventure and will bound to have all the answers you need

now of course some of you maybe thinking, England! Summer! The Beach! has Tif lost her little tiny mind! you can be rest assured i have not, for rain or shine, hail or heatwave, me and my dearies will be channelling our inner dottie angels and crafting to our little eclectic souls content in a beach house overlooking the sea, running barefoot if we so wish, spending our evenings by the fire pit, wearing vintage slips and living life the dottie angel way regardless of what Mr Weather brings our way.
for we all know through the wisdom of our own experience
"when one crafts, the sun shines all around"

she is wishing you the peachiest of peachy weekends ~ Tif