reasons to be cheerful...

1: little olive did not run away yesterday, unlike the day before. just thinking of a little pesky daxie out in the 'wooded' world beyond our acre of moss made monday afternoon a little fretful

2: Miss Lou Dearie's parcel of retro fabrics turned up on Mossy Shed's doorstep, winging it's way from old blighty. after putting them on a stool and admiring their retro goodness, i could contain myself no longer and had to rifle through them

3: a spiffy pair of retro curtains found within Miss Lou Dearies pile now adds the prefect granny chic charm to our lounge

4: Mr Sun has his hat on for the first time in quite the while. 'tis still a bit nippy in the air, however i may go outside in a bit and stand like a sunflower in the middle of the yard. pesky little olive may come too, if she promises to behave

5: a little japanese wooden doll found me on friday night upon the shelves of despair. she was not on the usual 'forsaken souls' shelf but stuffed rather undignified amongst the 'wooden finds'. i pulled her carefully out from under a wooden platter, she smiled shyly and i was smitten. took her home and gave her a little string scarf of granny knicker pink.

6: apparently there is no school tomorrow, therefore the 6:30am alarm will be switched off. that alone is cause for cheer in the shed.

7: one week today, my folks arrive from across the pond, the excitement within the shed is building to fever pitch.

8: the outline for my book is coming together, therefore Janine has given me the nod to continue along the book path. i have four key words written above my desk, 'gathering, writing, making, doing' in an attempt to ward off any unwelcome advances from Mr Procrastinator

even with a day off school, she is cheerfully hoping for a gleeful 'how-to' on friday, ~ Tif