yes indeedy!
it is a time for gleefulness
and a time for handcraftedness

now before we begin i must tell you several things,
thing #1: this cluster of gleeful jams jars how-to, is perfectly suited to any random sized jar you have lurking around your nests. i found some in the back of my fridge, saved some as they became empty, others i decanted the contents so i could continue uninterrupted in my need to clothe little glass jars in warm jackets. indeed the more different sizes you have going on, the peachier it will look.

thing #2: this cluster would be
most suited to a mantelpiece or perhaps the middle of a dining table. just be aware of where you place them if you are using 'night light' candles. i also think they would look quite peachy with red flowers dotted amongst them or red knitting needles. the odd pesky gnome wouldn't go a miss either. i have yet to get my gleeful box down from the attic so you will have to use your imaginations on this one, which of course i know you have by the bucketful :)
thing #3: the only material i used in this gleeful cluster that has not been used and loved before is the cream yarn.
thing #4: i believe the pictures pretty much speak for themselves in how the jackets are made, the crocheted little number i have given more instructions to. but as we go along you will see they are quite simple in their construction and also rather addictive.

so without further ado, here are three little jacket ideas for this gleeful season...
little cosy jacket #1:
* a glass jar
* a thrift store sweater with cream sleeves
* red embroidery thread
* needle
* piece of paper
*scrap of lace
* typewriter (or you can hand write your words)
nitty gritty
using your glass jar as a guide,
(this one you may wish to use a large size jar for)
cut the sleeve and cuff off your sweater
leaving plenty for turning the top down.

place sweater sleeve over jar,
roll down sleeve a few times,
giving a nice 'roll neck' to your jacket.
hand stitch in place with red thread.
next type a little saying
(or hand write it)
stitch your little saying onto a scrap of lace
(i used Miss Ethel here,
but easy enough to hand stitch)
attach your little label to the jacket neck.
place your little sweater jacket upon your jar

and voila!
little cosy jacket #2:
* pieces of old lace
* a glass jar
* red yarn
* dress making pins
* large eyed needle
nitty gritty
lay your jar on the lace
and wrap it up nicely,
making sure you pay attention to the neckline,
this way you can make for a pretty shape.
pin in place.
taking a long length of red yarn,
begin sewing your jacket up
leaving a nice tail at the end
(i am now thinking it not unlike a corset)
when you have got to the top,
start stitching your way back down.
with a bit of luck
you will have some lovely random cross stitching going on.
when you are back at the beginning,
tie off your yarn leaving nice long tails

and Voila!
little cosy jacket #3:
* cream yarn
* crochet hook to match your size yarn
* a glass jar
nitty gritty
crochet a chain the prefect length
for wrapping around your glass jar.
not too loose, better to be a little stretched.
join your chain with a slip stitch,
being sure to keep it untwisted as you join.

chain one and continue around your circle
in half double crochet (usa)
or half treble crochet (uk)
after one row it might be worth
checking the fit of your little jacket

if the fit is perfectly perfect
continue crocheting your rows,
being careful to join at the end of each one
and chain up to start a new one.
just before you reach the neck of your jar,
you will need to decrease 4 times
evenly around your final
half double (usa) half treble (uk) row.
it might be wise to place pins
as a guide here.

then finish off with one row of
single crochet (usa) double crochet (uk).
place your little woolly jacket upon your jar

and Voila!
if perchance the little crocheted garland has caught your eye, no worries. next week, i will be doing a re-run of last year's 'week of glee'.

i am thinking if the BBC can run repeats, then so may i.
she is wishing you a weekend of getting crafty with a few glass jars ~ Tif